Day 1 is over: an early finish. I reached Hotel Bangalore International well before the stipulated time (8.30AM) to find the place alsmost deserted. I have to admire the punctuality of my 'fellow' colleagues. It was mentioned that candidates have to report by 8.30'Sharp', but most of the candidates arrived only after 9.30.
I had only one interview today (PWC). So i sat there, bit tensed, waiting for my name to be called. Slowly hours went by and then only i learned that PWC has revised thier shortlist. During the lunch break they announced the revised list and sadly (?) my name was not in that list. Later PWC clarified that they only needed people for DT & IDT dept and that was the basis for the second shortlist. Anyhow, after waiting for almost 7 hours, i retruned home with nothing to show for my First day adventure.