May 27, 2009

Travel Diaries

Never before in my life i have been so disconnected from Net. During my articleship i had traveled. But where ever i went i always had access to Net. But now everything has changed. I have to search for a Net caffee these days. Once am back in Trichur, am taking a wireless connection!!

Travel was the buzz word for me in the last couple of weeks (and looks like its gonna stay that way in coming weeks too). One day i was at Salem, next day day at Bangalore only to return to Salem the day after. Now am in Erode and looks like tomorrow i will be in Thiruppur the 'Textile hub' of TN. All these travels gave me enough time to brainstorm and to develop ideas to blog about. You can expect those in near future (i.e once i resolve my connectivity problems)

So Untill we meet again in blogospehere, Adios!!



CA by profession,
Artist by possession,
Animator by passion,
Blogger by provocation
Photographer by avocation!!

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