May 10, 2009

A week without Net

Bringing my laptop back from hibernation every morning to check my mail, scrapbook and blog stats is a daily routine for me. So it was not easy for me to spend a week in Mavelikkara, where a Net caffe is something that exist only in peoples' imagination. But somehow i managed to hold on.. i  survived. However a week without computer, a week without net did had its (positive) sideeffects.

I consider myself as a bookworm, atleast untill net became a part of my life i used to read alot. Thats exactly what i did during the one week of 'Disconection'. I managed to finish (almost) the biography - 'I too had a Dream'- of Dr Varghees Kurian, the man behind 'Operation Flood'. It was a good read.  It gives pretty detailed accounts of the difficulties he had to face (mainly from government officials) during the Initial stages of starting 'Amul' and later 'Operation Flood'. I recommend this book to anyone who are willing to read a book for a change!!



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